Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Moyen's Ideas

Hej alla,

Its me Moyen again. Below goes my idea of the project that has to be done by team work and a two page writen statement. I have gone through chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 and formulated the following ideas. Now it is you guys wish how you will prepare the final document before you submit it to the teacher. You have 2 weeks to work with. Please read carefully what I have tried to focus and implement on a fast food shop system and change, modify, update accordingly at your convenience to prepare a nice formal report. Kindly check the spelling and any grammartical mistakes if there any and if you feel like wheile you modify and make a good report. Please do not write me back anything now. You discuss among yourselves and fix a report the way you want. If you want any further information on something that I have written here or want any further help then you are most welcome to ask me anything anytime over my phone(home or mobile)/ email or when we meet in the class.


Proposition of Information Technology in A fast food shop

Information technology has touched in almost every aspects of day to day life. Uses of computer in big shopping center is not a new concept never less of thinking which point it was being used; either for word processing or handling spreadsheet from early age till maintaining organization automated. A fast food shop comparing to a big shopping mall or industry can also benefit fully from the consent of IT in different ways. Starting from the basic ideas of using computer for preserving the database of the people working in the shop to converse different branches of the shop or the principal office using networking can be a very basic idea of the implementation of simple otherwise stylish IT in fast food shops. It is not a very uncommon scene now a days to go to any food shop and get an electronic printed cash memo which uses some peripherals of different types to do this kind of task. For example a cash machine eventually works as an integrated computer with microprocessor and memory devices built in it and that uses some customized system software to run special instructions on it. The input device may be many different type of keyboard which may look like a large calculator up to more modern touch screen input. Small dot matrix printer is used in the point of sell section as an output device to print the bill. The cash machine itself may contain a built in display for displaying or both for display and inputting data into the system. The queuing system sometimes in many different fast food shop is a common panorama. Customers get a token and when the food is ready their token number flashes on the top in a digital display board requesting or driving their attention to take their food. This method does use some kind of digital technology integrating with software. When the idea of a company goes larger the use of IT becomes more resourceful. For instance, controlling the inventory management system, the payroll system and maintaining the accounting of each branch of the food shop and/or the overall company can be gymnastically maintained by the use of different software with appropriate hardware and setting up networking. Database software can be used for inventory management system. Custom developed software is a solution for payroll and accounting system if cost is a concern of buying expensive application software for the organization. It is always a better idea not to carry data manually for different reason hence sending data through networking is a feasible solution where it is needed. Backing up data is one of the most imperative thing in case of database or accounting and CD or DVD Writer can be used in this purpose. High storage device like DVD can be used for baking up data. Having a space on the information super highway is kind of a latent part in today's world. Having a webpage that can serve customers dynamically is always a plus point and good idea which apparently can boost sell of the shop using e-commerce technology. Multimedia, the far-fetched section of IT can also draw attention to; even a fast food shop. The concept of playing musical CD in a stereo player is fading away these days. A simple laptop with a powerful multimedia sound system can play different types of unlimited music or even show video using projector without a good deal of hassle. Most recent development of a fast food shop with the view of IT is to let people use internet for free if they have their own Laptop or PDA carrying with them in the shop. While enjoying their food the customer can browse the internet using the built in WIFI network in the shop. Many shops can also have their own network setup with few workstations with it and can earn some extra money by letting people use internet by paying a nominal amount of cash per hour. A simple Server connected with a high speed internet can server this purpose using switch or hub and for wireless technology a router can be used.

Using information technology in a fast food shop; the challenge exactly becomes to enable the shop to handle increased traffic and reduce the cost and complexity of communicating with employees, consultants, partners, and customers. Any company can reduce IT management and maintenance costs and improve employee and consultant efficiency and productivity through enhanced collaboration of hardware and software. Implementing a feasible system in a fast food shop even creates a secure, reliable, scalable and pleasurable system; reducing hardware, software, and administration costs. Some giant fast food chain shops like McDonalds and Burger King can be a very good model of performance, comparable with the scheme blueprint described above.


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